Fatigue and burnout

Fatigue is a complex mechanism that appears for a reason. It is not a simple bodily signal, like hunger or thirst, in which case we perfectly know what to do: eat or drink. When we experience fatigue, rarely there will be a direct answer that will immediately decrease this feeling. 

Fatigue is a signal of your nervous system, and mainly of your wake system, that often mirrors your need to slow down. To shift to a lower gear. The reason can vary: because your low on fuel, because you didn't correctly refuel, because you don't have access to fuel, because part of your brain needs to rest and another needs activation,.... Whatever the underlying mechanism, fatigue appears for a good reason! 

At Brainwise we investigate the possible reason(s) for your fatigue. We examine your sleep-wake patterns, your stress levels, your lifestyle, and general health. The current coping strategies and the actual effect on your fatigue levels are evaluated. Moreover, we will overview your general health to analyse if there are any signs of an underlying medical condition. Based on this information we will identify your growth points and link this to specific interventions and tools, which aim at a more efficient recuperation and increase of your energy level. 

What is a burnout and how do we treat it? 

Burnout is characterized as an energy (=fuel) disorder. It gradually grows when maladaptive copingstrategies are   used for a long time as a way of coping with increasing stress and problems. This will result in an effort-reward imbalance. As such, we slowly evolve from a normal 'stressful' period, to an 'overstressed' period, to eventually a burnout. You can make the comparison with a battery that slowly empties, going from a half-full battery (stress), to a almost-empty battery (overstress), and finally to an empty battery (burnout).  This evolution disturbs your physiological balance and your recuperation possibilities. We will evaluate the triggers van de effort-reward imbalance, how it evolved over time and what would be necessary to regain balance and recharge more efficiently. We use different kinds of excercises and techniques, depending on your specific situation and needs. 

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