
22 February 2021

Does sleep shortage impact your mental wellbeing?

In small talk sleep is often linked to your mood. You have probably said something like: "I'm not really in a good mood, 'cause a slept bad". Or maybe your mother said: "Have an early night, you'll feel better in the morning!". But are these sayings correct? Does sleep have an influence on the way you feel during the day?

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immune system
22 February 2021

This is how you can boost your immune system and the efficacy of a vaccin

Due to the pandemic, boosting our immune system is something we want more then ever, and we hope that the vaccines will offer us the best protection. Moreover, as the frequent use of antibiotics is discouraged, we rely even more on our own protective mechanisms provided by the immune system. Can I tell you something? There are actually two very simple methods to boost your immune system and improve the efficacy of a vaccine. And, you don't have to pay for them. 

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09 December 2020

Corona-insomnia: what is it and what can you do about it?

December 2020, we are still in partial lockdown during the second wave of COVID19 in Belgium. The high demand for sleep webinars, as well as the increase in patients with sleep complaints, show there is something going on during our nights. People who normally sleep soundly through the night, are suddenly having trouble falling or staying asleep or feeling unrefreshed in the morning. What is this 'corona-insomnia, what are the underlying mechanisms and what can you do about it?

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11 May 2020

Fatigue during lockdown.

Tired? exhausted?
Have you also noticed this decrease in energy since the beginning of the lockdown? Even that extra time in the morning you win because of the lack of commuting isn't helping anymore. Many families with children are suddenly juggling different roles and tasks. Nowadays, we are not employee for a moment, or parent, or teacher, or spouse,... We are all of them at the same time, all the time... and that is exhausting! This feeling of fatigue doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong with your sleep, but rather points to the continuous activation of your stress system. So here are some tips:

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31 March 2020

Life in times of corona

The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster for me, my professional life, as well as for my family life. Suddenly, you are limited in everything you do, your world has shrunken to the size of your house and garden (if the weather allows it), your kids are around 24/7 and a trip to the supermarket is the highlight of your day! How do you maintain your physical and mental health in these strange and challenging times?

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13 February 2020

Caffeine: performance enhancer or not?

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances. Coffee in particular is in a lot of households an indispensable drink at the breakfast table and a habitual partner in crime at work. It makes us feel less tired, more focused, and gives the impression of improving our performance. But is this actually the case?

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